As I stop to look around me, I become aware of the incredible signs of Spring. Flowers are blooming, the air is becoming more humid and heavy, the wind blows branches and leaves, and the sun seems more crisp and bright.
I also notice stirrings in my own life. Areas are beginning to bloom, brighten, and grow. And this stirring invites me to gently turn towards those new thoughts or feelings, and observe them with such delicate kindness. Always attempting to practice this noticing without judgment – leaving behind the impulse to fix anything – cultivating awareness and tending.
So now I offer three questions to serve your own mindfulness journey and exploration:
What is stirring in you?
How are you tending to it?
What is your personal Spring showing you?
This is an opportunity to take a few moments, right now, and turn towards yourself with compassion and curiosity, and just notice what arises.
If you can, take a long inhale, and a long exhale. Read the questions, continue to breathe slowly, and begin to gently turn towards your heart.
As always, I’m sending heartfelt wishes for ease and well being for you and your loved ones.
In gratitude,