A frequent question: How can I receive email when you post a new article or event announcement to your web site?
If you’re interested in staying in touch, here are several options that will notify you automatically when I post new information.
On the right hand side of my blog, you should now see a subscription form.
Type in your email address and click on Subscribe. To protect you against spam, you will immediately receive an email containing a confirmation link. You must click on the confirmation link to confirm that you do want to receive the email. Once you do so, you will receive emails whenever I make a new post.
News readers and aggregators
My web site supports the RSS Rich Site Summary feed format. Just add my RSS Feed to your favorite News reader. If you are interested in exploring News readers, I can recommend Feedly.
Social Media
Visit my Joyful Living Facebook page and click on Like. My new posts will be displayed in your Facebook News Feed.
Visit my Google+ page and add me to one of your circles.
If you are one of my LinkedIn contacts, you should see my posts in your LinkedIn news feed. To become a LinkedIn contact, visit my LinkedIn profile and click on Connect.
Visit my @JoyLiving Twitter feed and click on Follow.